Strategic eHosting

Strategic eHosting for your Website
As a reseller for Green Geeks, the Strategic eHosting service can provide all components of your web presence in one tidy package, including domain names, unlimited storage, unlimited e-mail accounts, and unlimited MySQL databases (for the actual data-based accomplishment of business) — all of this from an ecologically conscious provider.

Why “go green” for web hosting?  Well, the ecological impact of powering an array of web servers is more than one might suspect.  Specifically, studies have determined that by 2005 the web hosting industry used as much energy to power their servers as the equivalent of 14 major power plants.  With the exponential growth of the industry, studies have further revealed that by the year 2020 the web hosting industry will be as big a polluter as the airline industry.  To reverse that trend,
Strategic eHosting is “300% wind-powered.”  What this means is that for every energy unit pulled from the grid, we pay for three energy units of wind energy.  The servers are also re-engineered to run cooler, thereby substantially reducing the energy load of cooling the servers with external cooling fans.

The rationale that many companies use for avoiding or resisting a “green” approach to business is strictly economic — that adhering to ecological practices will increase costs to an insupportable level.  This is not the case with Strategic eHosting.  Our web hosting services are highly competitive, with a monthly hosting fee of only $5.00 per month.

For that $5.00, you receive an abundance of functionality and security, including:

  • unlimited disk space, bandwidth, domains, e-mail accounts, and MySQL databases
  • free site transfer service, site builder tools, and domain name for life
  • CGI, Python, Perl, and PHP Languages
  • nightly backups
  • a money-back guarantee

The management tool for Strategic eHosting web sites (cPanel) is readily accessible and usable for the web site owner.  Any questions that remain can be answered by contacting
Strategic eMarketing.

Computer Back up Product #2
The creation of an effective data-based business model implies the creation of data — valuable data which represents the capabilities of the business and on which its future success depends.  That data should therefor be carefully guarded and duplicated — which is where the Strategic eCloud comes in.  Strategic eMarketing offers the Strategic eCloud as a means of seamless and secure data backup.  The Strategic eCloud works continuously in the background to backup all pertinent data to remote storage where it is safe from any calamity befalling the business site or locale.  Restoration of any lost data is as quick and easy as was its backup.  Computers and servers do malfunction, theft occurs, and accidental deletions happen.  Malfeasance can intrude as well.  Whatever the cause of data loss, the only insurance that its loss will not be catastrophic is a dependable and thorough backup strategy.

In addition to standard data, the backup process can handle SQL and Exchange databases in real time without any requisite downtime for those database servers (unique to the Strategic eCloud).

The degree of security is reflected in these facts:

  • It is HIPAA compliant for medical/dental offices
  • It uses military-grade 265-bit encryption.
  • It provides data transfer (backup and restoration) over SSL (Secure Socket Layer).

Prices are as low as $10/month per computer.

Website Backup Product #3
The actual content and structure of a website should be considered “data” also — and very valuable data at that.  A single stolen computer, dead server, or accidentally deleted document may be crucial to the operation of the business, but for many companies their website is their primary presence in the marketplace.  To analogize the website to a storefront business, a “down” website is not just a closed door or dark floorspace, it is a storefront that has “disappeared.”  Unlike the storefront enterprise, customers do not have to drive for miles to find a competitor … one click on their Google list will bring them to another “open” business.  To prevent this potential loss of business, a regular, thorough website backup is an essential business practice.  The interval for those backups is dependent on the frequency of change on the website and the amount of business actually done through the website.  Strategic eMarketing offers website backup as a scheduled service — either weekly, monthly, or quarterly.  Feel free to contact us for a consultation regarding your website backup needs.